O' Tidings of the Angelic Division Comfort and Joy
By Pam Andrews and Ramelle DeVries
(30 minutes)
The children don’t seem to be in the Christmas spirit. Miss Nina, their director is out with the flu. It’s the dress rehearsal of their Christmas program and things are going from bad to worse. All of a sudden, O’ Tidings of the Angelic Division Comfort and Joy arrives. After all, the children called him as they sang the chorus of, “God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen,” didn’t they?
Join in the wonder as O’ Tidings tells the children about the events of the first Christmas—reviving their Christmas spirit.
A mix of familiar carols and new songs this easy-to-sing, easy-to-stage musical just might be what you called for this year.
You have the option to have O’ Tidings played by an older child or adult. With five speaking parts for children and a mix of non speaking roles, this musical is versatile and ideal for churches of any size.
As an option and a “bit ‘o the Irish” flair, we recorded O’Tidings with an Irish accent your actor can imitate.
For the choir director who likes a good challenge, the verses of “The First Noel, Persian Version,” can be sung rather than spoken.
Rest this year, in God’s simple message of comfort and joy.