Christmas Shop Around the Corner
By Pam Andrews
(Approx 48 min)
“Christmas Shop Around the Corner” is a wonderful story displaying the joy of giving at Christmastime. The children of First Church are caroling in front of Stone’s Department Store much to the chagrin of Mr. Stone who has no heart for Christmas due to the recent passing of his wife. The choir, assisted by two colorful mall cops, open a “Christmas Shop Around the Corner” where they sell donated items to raise money for a choir member, Emily, who's family lost their home in a fire. Emily knew Mr. Stone’s wife and is able to rekindle his broken Christmas Spirit by sharing memories with him of his wife and her love of God. Mr. Stone’s heart is softened and much to the amazement of everyone, his Christmas Spirit is renewed.
For the following audio samples, the scenes are the complete dialogue/script, and the songs are shortened versions
Cast Members: 5 boys and 4 girls
Brooke - Kids’ Christmas Shop Around the Corner T-shirt and jeans Rachel - Kids’ Christmas Shop Around the Corner T-shirt and jeans Sean - Kids’ Christmas Shop Around the Corner T-shirt and jeans Nathan - Kids’ Christmas Shop Around the Corner T-shirt and jeans Miss Blass - Christmas sweater and pats or skirt. Glasses would be a nice addition to the costume. Officer Randy Bayor - Tan officer’s uniform…similar to the Andy Griffith Show character Andy Taylor Officer Vern Smythe - Tan officer’s uniform…similar to the Andy Griffith Show character Barney Fife Mr. Stone - Sports coat with “Stones Department Store” logo on front Emily Snyder - Regular T-shirt and jeans. She should also have a coat. Optional Cast:: Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Angels, Wise Men - Traditional Biblical clothes
VOCAL SOLOS Following are the listed solos. Remember, you can add or delete solos according to choice. The Optional small groups are mini choirs you can pull from your choir. They can learn harmony and echoes. This feature provides a means for more parts for your choir. To add solos, ,simply turn down the fader on your sound board that controls the recorded vocals.
Overture - None SONG 1: Shop Till We Drop - No Solo (Optional Harmony Group) SONG 2: Fa La La La Las - Choir 1, Choir 2, (Optional) Harmony Group SONG 3: Joy! - Rap Solo, (Optional) Harmony Group, Group Rap, Choir 1, Choir 2, Choir 3 SONG 4: Shepherds, Angels & Wise Men - Randy Solo, (Optional) Harmony Group SONG 5: Carols of the Bells - Vern Solo - (Optional) Harmony Group, Choir 1, Choir 2 SONG 6: Christmas Shop Around the Corner - Sales Clerk Solo, Customer Solo, (Optional) Harmony Group SONG 7: The Heart of Christmas - Emily Solo SONG 8: He is Born / Go, Tell It on the Mountain - Solo 1, Solo 2, (Optional) Harmony Group SONG 9: Glory / Reprise - (Optional) Solo, (Optional) Harmony Group Bow Music - None
