Christmas Joy
By Pam Andrews
(23 minutes)
About This Product: Easy-to-learn, easy-to-stage, easy-to-perform best describes Christmas Joy, a musical for kids from Pam Andrews that focuses on the joy that came to earth when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The songs are simple to teach and sing, yet fun for children. Familiar songs of the season are presented alongside newer songs, all in extremely accessible voicing incorporating generous amounts of unison writing. Cast: 9 readers/narrators Suggested Use: Christmas musical for children Skill: Easy Style: Fun-to-sing songs especially crafted for children's voices Performance Details: The script that ties this musical together is easy-to-present and mostly in recitation, readers theatre form making multiple opportunities for lots of kids. Added movement ideas are included in the production notes as an opportunity to give kids a hands-on experience. Production notes also include tips for costuming, props, set, staging, set design, and more.