It's a Wonder-Full Life
By Pam Andrews
(approx 45 min)
A group of kids have just finished their Christmas musical. While putting away the Christmas set, one child, Foster, begins complaining. He would rather forgo the manger and all the Christmas “stuff” to go home and open presents. Suddenly, Terrance appears...the children believe him to be Mr. T, the janitor. To show the real meaning of Christmas, Terrance talks to God asking Him to remove Christmas. Suddenly, the entire Christmas scene disappears. WHERE IS CHRISTMAS?! IT NO LONGER EXISTS! The Christmas Tree has no lights, the Chrstmas Bell cannot ring, the Christmas Present is empty and the manger is missing from the nativity scene. The children realize Jesus is the reason for the season and that Christmas is Jesus. Their hearts change, especially Fosters', and they see the promise that Jesus brought to the world. They stop thinking about themselves and start thinking of others. Jesus is the reason for the Season and the reason that each of us can truly have a Wonderful Life! Created by Pam Andrews and Luke Gambill and arranged by John DeVries, It's a Wonder-FULL Life is a 45-minute musical that is delightful, fun and one that chlidren of all ages are certain to enjoy!
The Resource Materials for this Musical can be downloaded or you can purchase hard copies which will come as PDF files on a CD.
It's a Wonder-Full Life
It's a Wonder-Full Life Reprise